Zen Mama Blog

Why Should You Choose Yoga?

Why Should You Choose Yoga?

There are so many different types of exercises and wellness practices to choose from, so what makes yoga worth doing over anything else?         Well, the short answer is it's a completely personal choice. There isn't one exact reason why YOU should choose yoga over another form of exercise. I'm a firm believer in picking something that you love, because it will likely keep you motivated and become part of your daily or weekly habits. I can, however, tell you why I choose yoga over anything else.   Pelvic Floor Support My pelvic floor needed much attention...

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Mamas, you don't need to do it all this Christmas

2020 Christmas family lockdown presents quality time yoga

Mamas, you don't need to do it all this Christmas

It's that time of year again. We need to decorate a Instagram worthy tree, bake and decorate a bajillion cookies, (and clean up the sprinkles off the ground for the next week), find the perfect gift for everyone, track down stocking stuffers that won't just become dust collectors, and keep remembering to move that freaking elf every night! We do it all, and it can get exhausting. But let me let you in on a secret - we don't need to do it all. In fact, less is actually better. What if this year, we kept things simple? What if...

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Pose Spotlight: Supported Reclined Bound Angle

Pose Spotlight: Supported Reclined Bound Angle

  Benefits: Improves general circulation Stimulates the heart Stimulates abdominal organs, (i.e. the ovaries and prostate gland, bladder, and kidneys. Stretches the knees, groin and inner thighs. Helps relieve the symptoms of stress, mild depression, menstruation and menopause. Cautions/Contraindications: Knee or groin injury. Tip: You may choose to put a block under the top of the bolster to add an incline.   Step by Step Instructions: Place a bolster on the ground. Sit at the base of the bolster and carefully lower your back onto it. Bend your knees and place your feet on the ground. Inhale deeply, and as you...

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Meditation: In & Out Visualization

breathe in & out visualization mama meditation meditation

Meditation: In & Out Visualization

Take a moment to notice your breath. Lengthen your inhales and exhales. Visualize breathing in what you need in this moment, perhaps a sense of calm, positivity, forgiveness, etc. On your exhale, visualize breathing out that which no longer serves you, i.e. anger, frustration, or overwhelm. Continue this for 5-10 breaths.

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Pose Spotlight: Warrior 2

fitness health pose pose spotlight warrior warrior 2 yoga yoga pose

Pose Spotlight: Warrior 2

  Benefits: Stimulates abdominal organs Stretches and strengthens ankles and legs Stretches chest, groin, lungs and shoulders Increases stamina Helps with backaches (especially through second trimester of pregnancy!) Helps with carpal tunnel syndrome, infertility, flat feet, sciatica and osteoporosis Cautions/Contraindications: High blood pressure Diarrhea Neck problems - do not turn head to look over front hand Step by Step Instructions: From mountain pose, step your feet approximately 3.5-4 feet apart. Reach your arms out to the side, parallel to the ground and palms facing down. Pivot your right foot so that your toes face the right side, and align your...

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